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IPOs, Secondaries, Reg S Offerings,



  • Use the Israeli and Overseas capital markets to raise capital in a creative and efficient manner.

  • Hedge Funds – Create Israeli and Overseas master feeder hedge funds and raise the capital.

  • Equity/Debt Funding – Create a low cost of capital for the client.



Divestitures and Exit from Non-Core Business ,


We advise our clients on divestitures of  non-strategic assets and obligations. Our cross-border transactional expertise and global network of clients enable us to plan and maximize exit investment returns in a discrete manner.
Restructuring, Spinoffs, Advise Holding Companies and family Offices how best to maximize value and create new sources of capital.

Stock Exchange
New York City

Mergers and Acquisitions,


We advise buyers and sellers worldwide on M&A transactions. We identify a company’s strategic focus, from business model to technology to new market development. Leveraging our global network of financial and strategic resources and expertise, we adopt a creative yet practical approach to identify M&A alternatives, structure and execute cross-border transactions for our clients. We control and navigate for the client the often complex regulatory, due diligence, and negotiation processes to the close and post close.


Joint Ventures,


We leverage our learning and network of relationships in helping our clients in identifying and selecting the right partner, location, structure, management, and help negotiate the outcome that will align long-term interests of all parties concerned, and mitigate possible risks.


Divestitures and Exit from Non-Core Business,


We advise our clients on divestitures of non-strategic assets and obligations. Our cross-border transactional expertise and global network of buyers enable our clients to plan and maximize exit returns in a discrete manner.

Restructuring and Turnaround of Distressed Business,


We help restructure and turnaround distressed or bankrupt business from a strategic perspective, by working with strategic and financial investors to recapitalize the current operations, capabilities, we work to give ailing businesses a new opportunity to be competitive again.


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